Links, Links and more links.

Here is a jumping off place to obtain all my favorite links!

My Family:

./icons/whiteball.gif Jim's Page
Family Portal
./icons/whiteball.gif Our Childrens' Home Pages
./icons/whiteball.gif Here's our Statement of Faith.

Some Education Sites - starting with our philosphy:

./icons/whiteball.gif Here's our philosophy on education.
./icons/whiteball.gif Some of our favorite Home School Sites

Christian Sites that have blessed me:

Back to the Bible
Bold Christian Living
Walk Thru the Bible
Crosswalk E-Cards

here's some fun and crafts pages

My Quilting Page
Proverbs 31 Toolbox, great wisdom for Christian Women

Visit some past ideas, and past holiday sites in my attic!

Graphics from Castleberry Arts Graphics from Castleberry Arts Graphics from Castleberry Arts