In light of the tragedy on September 11, 2001 in NYC, NY, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania, as well as the ethnic violence that has occured in the aftermath, I have spent much time thinking on this profiling issue. Here are my thoughts, for what they are worth. ~Christi

What is profiling?


PROFILE , n. pro'fil. [L. filum, a thread or line.]
1. Primarily, an outline of contour; hence, in sculpture and painting, a head or portrait represented sidewise or in a side view; the side face or half face; as, to draw or appear in profile

Profiling is a general description of someone, based on general knowledge.

Who am I?

I am one that doesn’t choose to eat red meat.
I am one that eats mostly vegetarian fare.
I am one that disagrees with the commercialization of the Western World, and their infiltration and destruction of religious zealots’ lifestyles in order to obtain a form of communication, and that to be determined by the leaders of the Western World, not a mutual and equal basis.
I am one that works independently, a loner, living on 10 acres of land, away from most people.
I am one that refuses to enter into the government run establishments in order for my children to be trained to be good citizens, by their definition.
I am one that does not dress like the average American.
I am one that has worn a veil in public.
I do not choose to be entertained like the average American, and am repulsed by most of it.
I am one that has political views that differ from the majority of Americans.
I am one that keeps my children in my home, and chooses to not have them participate in the “normal” social activities of this land, because I disagree with the principles behind them.
I am one with beliefs that I believe to be absolutely true, which by definition means that other beliefs cannot be true.
I am one that believes that God hates sin, and it should be destroyed (you don’t want to hear my list of what sin is).
I am one that believes that my God will destroy the earth, and all that are here will face judgement...and based on their choices in life, will choose their eternal reward.
I am one that is willing to fight for the right to have my religion, and to walk in it.
I am one that is willing to die for my God and my country, if serving my country lines up with serving my God.
I believe in the death penalty and corporal punishment, as outlined in the Old Testament, the religious writings of many zealous belief systems.
I share my beliefs with others...and hope they will believe as I do.

I am a minority - because I am female.
I am refused certain positions - because I am female.
I am looked at suspiciously - because I do not have an organization behind me.
I am looked at disbelievingly - because I have no degree behind my name.
I am looked at cautiously - because I do not choose to be the average American.

I have dual citizenship.

Does this predispose me to be a terrorist? Many of these things are said of the terrorists of our history, and today.

I have been born into this country, and am American.
I chose to be born again, and am a Christian.

Many who choose Islam, Muslim, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., can say the same things, just fill in the religion, and it’s appropriate book.

Now, how do I reconcile the teachings of Christ, with the decisions of the USA? Can I be this different, with many similar general differences as a regular terrorist, and still be a faithful citizen of the USA?

That depends.


terrorist adj : characteristic of someone who employs terrorism (especially as a political weapon); "terrorist activity" n : a radical who employs terror as a political weapon

Am I a potential terrorist? Some might say(and do) that my radical views, when proposed on capitol hill, bring terror to the liberal camp. They say that my views tear at the very fiber of our society. But, am I a terrorist?

That depends.

If I believe so completely in my God, and His word, and His plans, and am willing to give up my life for Him, am I a terrorist? I am radical. And I want political change.

Jim Jones’s followers were so convinced they were right, they were willing to kill themselves for him. That was a tragedy. But they weren’t terrorists.

David Koresh’s followers were willing to die, fighting the government...because of what they believed was right...that was a tragedy. But they weren’t terrorists.

But they didn’t hurt anyone but themselves. But, the government intervened to disband them, and their stories were publicized for their religious beliefs...not their illegal actions.


M`ARTYR , n. [Gr. a witness.] One who, by his death, bears witness to the truth of the gospel.
1. One who suffers death in defense of any cause.
M`ARTYR, v.t. To put to death for adhering to what one believes to be the truth; to sacrifice one on account of his faith or profession.
1. To murder; to destroy. of the highest honors of every religion. Giving your life up for your God, and country. Dying for what you believe in. A Christian’s country is the Kingdom of God...not of this earth. A Muslim’s country is the Holy Land. Bearing witness to the truth (whatever that is to the individual) by death is martyrdom.

Martyrs are a scary lot. And those that are willing to be martyrs are even scarier! What can cause someone to believe so deeply in a cause that they would give their life for it? Christians are taught to give up their life daily!
Luke 9:23 (KJS) And he said to [them] all, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?

Am I so different from the terrorists? Well, I wouldn’t choose to take others with me, if I was to die for Christ...but, then, that is not taught in my religion. In their religion, they are taught to eliminate infidels. In my religion, infidels are just to be starved until they get wise:
1Tim 5:8 (KJS) But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
2The 3:10 (KJS) For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
Doesn’t sound too loving. The point is, all main religions believe they are right...and the ones that believe it completely, are willing to die for it.

Have Christians been guilty?
We only have to look at the crusades, the inquisition, and the colonization of this American country, and even Nazi see that Christians(or those in the name of Christianity) have had the mentality of wiping out infidels as well.

Infidel must be defined.

Webster’s 1828 dictionary (very Christian oriented) says:
IN'FIDEL , a. [L. infidelis; in and fidelis; faithful.]
Unbelieving; disbelieving the inspiration of the Scriptures, or the divine institution of christianity.
IN'FIDEL, n. One who disbelieves the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the divine origin of christianity.
Today’s dictionary(from says:
1.An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.
2.One who has no religious beliefs.
3.One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle.

All through history, infidel has been used to define those that don’t agree with us...and religious fervor has been used as the fuel to keep the fires raging to destroy those that are inconvenient, those that disagree, those that cause us to feel badly about our own set of beliefs or morals. History has shown that leaders just wipe out those that disagree with them, and they often use religion to do so. Stirring up those that cannot, or will not think for themselves.

So, I don’t agree with other religions...and they don’t agree with me.
I don’t agree with other lifestyles and choices, and they don’t agree with me.
I teach my children to believe in my faith, my God, my Bible...but others do the same.

Where is the difference? How can someone know that I am not a terrorist? I am different from the world around me, and I choose not to conform, to hold to my beliefs, and to live differently than those around me. So, what do you know about me that proves I am not a terrorist? Absolutely nothing.

I can say my God is a God of love...and you can tell me He’s not doing so good.
You can point to the Christians that are pointing fingers.
You can point to the Americans (from this so called Christian country) and their murderous acts.
You can point to the fact that I believe God will allow people to go to hell.
You can point at the verse that says “(Roma 6:23) For the wages of sin [is] death;” and ignore the rest of the verse “but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Muslims say their God is a loving God, too...and we can point the same fingers at them.
They can quote their bible...and we can ignore part of it as well.

Yesterday, Caucasians were collecting money for the Red Cross...only, they had no intention to deliver it to the Red Cross.
Today, I cannot collect money for the Red Cross...because of profiling.

Years ago, a red headed, pregnant lady was involved in a robbery. A friend of mine was stopped on the freeway near that area....she was pregnant and a redhead. Profiling.

When a 6 foot tall, blond hair blue-eyed man holds a gun on a store clerk, and leaves, there is no sense in following leads of a black man that’s 5 foot 5, or an Asian looking woman. That’s profiling.

To argue that there should not be profiling in the legal realm is to tie the authorities' hands behind their back. The group that did this terrible thing has roots in the Arab community. Any Arabic person with nothing to hide, should recognize this...and be ready to serve their country with pride, and show patient understanding. Searching does not imply guilt...they are innocent until proven guilty. Questioning is questioning. And that is part of our legal system. Running implies does angry retaliation.

The hijackers were innocent, their death proved them guilty. Unfortunately...they weren’t held for questioning the day before the flights. That would be profiling.

What did the terrorists look like? Well, they must have looked normal enough that their neighbors didn’t all call the FBI saying “We’ve got terrorists living next door.” They were different...and allowed to continue in their differences, because of the tolerance of the American peoples. They were able to move freely around our country because of the gracious freedoms, and the opportunities in this wonderful country. They were free to continue to worship according to their faith, because of the liberty bought by the blood of the first minute men, fighting for the right to be different from what the prevailing governing body decreed.

The minute men were considered terrorists in 1770’s...and they were condemned for their hit and run methods of fighting. It was a cause they believed in...and they fought for, and by God’s grace, they won. But, some of their neighbors turned them into the government...because they were fanatical.

The original discoverers of America terrorized the native peoples here...and those in South America...and in every civilization that they claimed. And now, we are struggling to accept two truths...the truth of the destruction of the native peoples, and the truth of God’s will for Europeans to proceed to America...and both are true. But, the natives were profiled as uncivilized...and now, we know that to be wrong. But it was based on prideful prejudices...not on information.

Profiling is not wrong...when it is done in regards to criminals. Prejudice is wrong, in whatever form it comes. Violent prejudices are no different that the violent prejudice that the terrorists carry against the US...and takes us down to their level.

Let’s realize that the government authorities are working hard, and long, to find any evidence in this case...and they are given many leads that are not true. They are not God, they cannot tell which one is true or false, without investigation. Let’s pray for them to have wisdom, patience, courage, and understanding. Let’s pray that our nation will work together with them...whatever color or heritage. Just like my friend, who was stopped because she looked so much like the robber...let’s remember that the investigators are men and women, who are suffering a great loss to their forces from this tragedy...and have a very narrow window to track down actual leads in order to bring the culprits to justice and prevent this from happening again.

There are many decorated war veterans, clean cut, and frustrated, that fit the Timothy McVeigh profile. Why didn’t we hunt them down (which we did, shortly after the bombing)....because terrorist acts were habitually done by the Arab fanatics for years and years and years. Anyone want to do a study on how many deaths have been caused by Arabic terrorists compared to home grown terrorists? The fanatic Arabs have been at war with us for decades.

Would it have made sense to fight the war with Germany in Peru? Or Taiwan? go where the enemy is...and you look for the enemy’s spies where the enemy has shown to hide them. To say that is profiling, is like telling someone to pick up the thief, but don’t use any wanted posters, no “America’s Most Wanted” TV APB’s because those might effect the civil liberties of someone that looks like them. When we fought Japan, we didn’t find any dark skinned pilots in those planes...only oriental Japanese.

Am I saying that we should round up all Arabs like was done with the Oriental/Asian Americans? No, not at all. That was wrong, that was profiling based on prejudice. Prejudice does include profiling, but profiling doesn’t necessarily mean prejudice.

There is a difference between profiling and prejudice:


PREJ'UDICE , n. [L. prejudicium; proe and judico.]
1. Prejudgment; an opinion or decision of mind, formed without due examination of the facts or arguments which are necessary to a just and impartial determination.
2. A previous bent or bias of mind for or against any person or thing; prepossession.
3. Mischief; hurt; damage; injury.

The key is - without due examination of the facts or arguments which are necessary to a just and impartial determination.

Allowing the legal authorities to check those that fit the profile of the activities of the terrorists is to enable them to progress towards justice.
American people taking things into their own hands, is prejudice.

The Government must be allowed to gather information to examine the facts and arguments, in order to come to a just and impartial determination. This is not blind faith, and innocency...this is an investigation into the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

Profiling can have a level of respect, allowing the person to show themselves as right, and defend themselves. Innocent until proven guilty, yes...but questioned when there is evidence to suggest the need to investigate, so that this person can be dealt with in justice. Prejudice has no respect...and gives no one a chance to defend themselves, because there is no room for understanding the other person.

Profiling is a method of recognizing signs, and can vindicate a person completely. Prejudice is a heart attitude that stinks and destroys, and has no thought of helping another person...only the ugly thought of elevating oneself to the lower echelons of putrescence in the eyes of those who can truly see.

Profiling is not the enemy...prejudice is! What can we do?


1828: TOL'ERANCE, n. [L. tolerantia, from tolero, to bear.] The power or capacity of enduring; or the act of enduring. 1.The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.
We can choose to recognize and respect everyone’s beliefs, nationalities, ancestry and choices. It is a power we can choose to take upon our selves...and to act upon. This is our weapon against prejudice. We can learn great truths and great wisdom from every religious group, and can incorporate the best things into our own walk, while, respectfully laying aside those that don’t fit our belief system. This does not disrespect the other person, but rather is a way to validate their rights as a person to choose Whom they do or do not worship, how they live, and how they show their faith in evidence. We’ve seen much of that at the government level throughout this past week...we need it to filter down to the common citizen fast. We need to understand what we are saying, and realize the needs of the time.

Liars need to be afraid of the truth.
Thieves need to be afraid of the cameras.
Murderers need to be afraid of the death penalty.
Terrorists need to be afraid, very afraid.
Laws are made for the lawless. If mankind could live by the high ideal of doing unto others as they would have others do unto them...there would be no need for laws, as we would all love our neighbor, and live at peace. But, alas...that is not human nature. So, we must attack this evil vehemently. It hides, looking like one of us, one of our own. It uses our freedoms against us. And, by demanding our rights and freedoms at this time, we play into their hands.

How many people would have stood for the type of searches that were done the day the planes came back up...on the day of the flights? That day, there were suspicious looking people flying. What if they’d done those intense searches on Tuesday...and found these men that were listed as on a watch? We would not, as an American people, put up with such infringement upon our rights. We’re innocent until proven guilty, we cry. Again, I say...the terrorists proved their guilt with their deaths. A little late.

How many people would have screamed murder if we’d shot down a commercial air liner over the White House before Tuesday? The government has been sued for much less than that. Compare that to suing McDonald’s for a burn from coffee (I always thought coffee was supposed to be hot...and that when it was lukewarm, people complained!). I can’t even imagine the lawsuits against the country. Cries of no proof, innocent until proven guilty...and yet...we aren’t, or weren’t prepared to defend ourselves from this type of attack, even though the government had discussed this possibility.

We have tied the governments hands with lawsuits and civil liberties, and trivial laws that complicate every move our leaders need to take. We have thwarted the integrity of our leaders by not demanding high character and stability in office. We have made our country a laughing stock by gossip and nitpicking, so that the real business of government can’t be done. We have allowed government to grow fat, lazy and unaccountable by our complacent attitudes. And now, we must pay the price.

Is profiling the problem?

I am profiled everyday. So is my husband, so are my children. My rights as a citizen of the United States are taken from me, every time the ACLU demands that anyone but a Christian can have a moment to speak in public. My beliefs are offensive to the ruling minority, and I have laws on the books that prevent me from walking in some aspects of my faith. And I expect that this message will open me up to flaming those who don’t understand the dictionary definition of tolerance. By the way, Peter was profiled for his speech or clothing(Luke 22:59).
The disciples were profiled for who they followed in Acts 11:26. I’m in good company.

But, the actions of the intolerant prejudice people don’t have to determine mine. They have the right to have their own beliefs. But one day, those actions will determine my and my family’s fate, just like they are determining the fate of some innocent Arabic persons and their places of worship right now.

To the Christians, let’s remember...our Book says there will come a day when we will be profiled. We will be hunted down, and killed. And the question a theologian once asked was “will there be enough evidence to convict you?” We have already been profiled, and we are already considered a liability to many in this nation. Add homeschooling to the mix and we have many of the vast education system against us. Add homesteading type living, stocking up, owning guns, anti social behavior, proselytizing, and any other aspect...and we begin to look, at least on paper, like some of the dangerous groups of history.

As a nation moves away from it’s center of faith, those who hold to any faith seriously, are targets for racial cleansing. Just read the history books.

I repeat, who am I?

I am one that doesn’t choose to eat red meat, eats mostly vegetarian fare, for health reasons
I am one that respects the zealots right to religious freedom, and the respect due them as made in God’s image, not as pawns to be made in U.S. image.
I am one that works independently, a loner, living on 10 acres of land, away from most people, I like the quiet.
I am one that chooses to train my own children be good citizens, by my definition.
I am one that does not dress like the average American, I dress my way.
I am one that has worn a veil in public, but have never told anyone else they have to.
I do choose my own entertainment, with my family, at home, and at church.
I am one that has political views that differ from the majority of Americans, they are conservative, and usually pacifistic.
I am one that keeps my children in my home, because I gave birth to them, and I am responsible to God for them, and I love to be with them.
I am one with beliefs that I believe to be absolutely true, which by definition means that other beliefs cannot be true, and yet, I recognize your right to believe the same way for your faith.
I am one that believes that God hates sin, and it should be destroyed. I am responsible to cleanse my life from sin...not yours.
I am one that believes that my God will destroy the earth, and all that are here will face judgement...and based on their choices in life, will choose their eternal reward. It’s not my job to make you choose.
I am one that is willing to fight for the right to have my religion, and to walk in it.
I am one that is willing to die for my God and my country, if serving my country lines up with serving my God.
I believe in the death penalty and corporal punishment, as outlined in the Old Testament, the religious writings of many zealous belief systems, under the God ordained governmental authorities, not by the common citizen.
I share my beliefs with others...and hope they will believe as I do, but I do not demand that others believe as I do. If someone wants to go to the Christian Heaven, then they must believe the Bible. If they have another heaven they want to go to, that is not my job to change them. I am only responsible to give an invitation, and respect their response.
I am a minority - because I am female.

I have dual citizenship.
I have been born into this country, and am American.
I chose to be born again, and am a Christian.

Does this predispose me to be a terrorist?
Does this predispose me to be prejudiced?
Those are choices, made in confused minds, that are not big enough to allow others their own abilities to be unique and precious. The difference is hate...and anger...and that has nothing to do with the color of a person’s skin, nationality, or basic religious belief. That is a choice...and that is the enemy.

copyright 2001 by Christi Wildman, 09/17/2001

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