Here are a list of places to go to,
to help with the support of victims,
Red Cross, USO, and other ways:

Charitable Clearing Houses

My favorite charities

Salvation Army

American Red Cross

Places to purchase items for support, and donate

Here is a company raising money for victims, with memory bracelets .
Similar to the POW/MIA bracelets, they are for the NYPD and the NYFD,
and they are creating a set for the Military that fell at the Pentagon, silver on black. If you want a Miltary bracelet, just ask.

Memory Bracelets


This company donates the profits to Red Cross for this shirt

Angel Graphics

© 2001 M. Christine Wildman
This site set up: October 8, 2001 by Christi's Creations

Last updated10/08/01