
The Flag and The Spirit

The United States Flag

When there is no wind, it hangs flat.
You can't see all of it's colors, but it's there.

When there is a mild wind or breeze from a distant storm,
You see it wave, though tossed about, but it's there.

When the storms hit home, and the wind is fierce
you see the flag stretched out straight and proud -
holding on to the pole, declaring defiantly, it is there!

The American Spirit

In times of peace where no wind stirs us,
The American spirit seems to hang, but it is there.

When distand storms come, and we feel the wind,
the American spirit, with wavering movements shows it is there.

But when those storms hit our shores
The American spirit flies straight and proud -
no wavering, no flapping, for it is one - and it is there.

waving flag

May the spirit of the American people
Unite together to fight this evil.
We need all nations, creeds and tongues
to fly together, to be as one.
Let's put aside our flapping peeves
and join together from sea to sea.
Remember the colors of Old Glory
were sewn together to tell a story.
That story belongs to everyone
that calls this nation home sweet home.
Let's cleanse our land, and heal the pain
We can't let fear and terror reign!
We're one for all and all for one
From the rising and the setting sun.
So lift your colors, wave them high
and stand together side by side.
This storm cannot destroy our land
unless we play into it's hand
By joining with the terrorists
our hearts and hands in prejudice.

We have a choice to make, you see -
of what we do in liberty.
Let's remember what our freedom cost
and remember those who suffer loss.
Let the blood of them not be in vain,
Let's raise the flag, Proud, Once again!
God blessed this country, let's not forget,
He'll heal our land, with covenant.
Rise up Americans and be strong
this night could be so very long.
"In God we trust" must be our cry,
And morning dawns - Our flag flies high.

(c) 2001 M. Christine Wildman (9/18/2001)
Permission granted to share.


Graphics by:
Angel's Graphics
WVGOP graphics

It's Our Flag

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owned by Flag Spirit .

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This site set up: September 18, 2001 by Christi's Creations