Welcome to our Home! As we sit in the back yard, with a campfire, it really feels like we are living in a campground, full of birds, natural smells, sounds and senses all around us.
Here is our house in Gladewater Texas. Come on up the driveway, and visit a while! TX House#1
 house #2 You can see the carport, and to the right is the four bay shed. These are things that Steve prayed for! Somewhere to work on things in his spare time! The carport makes a nice place to sit and eat in the breeze from the trees. The shed is a bit hot, made of scrap corrugated tin with no windows. A very resourceful contractor lived here before.
Join us for a walk down the path. As you can see, there are lots and lots of trees. We have pines, oaks, and many others. The ground was covered with 6 inches of leaves when we moved in! Down the path
At the Pond Here is a glimpse of our pond. We are told that it has catfish in it. We know that water moccasins live near by. It has already dried up twice this year, to a very small reflection of itself. If we hadn't had record rains this year, it might be bone dry by now! This pond was an answer to Rachel's prayer for a place to fish...as soon as mom gets over the snake phobia!
There is an old field behind the trees that surround the house. We are told that the previous owners grew produce and sold it on front grass. Now, it's very over grown, and good mostly for walks, hikes, and fourwheeler runs. We also enjoyed the dewberries this spring, but we are a little leary of the snakes. The Meadow
Friendly Folk That's the tour of the back, um, 10....come on back to the house. Of course, 10 acres is a blessing to Lucky, the dog, as well as Faith, who had prayed for a place to take walks.
We'll cut through the back yard. You can see the chicken coup in front of you. That is where we have kept the cat's, and their stuff. The cats are our first line of defense against the snakes. What you can't see is the Greenhouse that's behind the house...to the right. This was a blessing to Anna. Backside of the House
Lay Back, Relax Here's Jim, kicking back, looking over the garden. He had prayed for a place in the country. I wanted more room with room to walk. God has blessed us!
Here's an inside view of the shed/workshop for Steve. To his right, (the photo's left) there is a section with a wood floor. Steve's Shop
Having Fun Here's Steve fourwheeling around. This is a gift from God. Steve has helped others, and one man asked Steve if he would be so kind as to keep his four wheeler in running condition, by using it!
As you can see, he didn't have to ask twice! We've all enjoyed this toy, and are very grateful for the loan of it. Steve's Smile
Storage shed We still have to drive for some of our stuff!
But, even then, we can have a ball! Having a Ball
Pa and Ma So, we welcome you. There is a poem about friends we never met...and this would be a very good place to put it, if I could remember it!

We have enjoyed our time here, with all the fruit trees, wild plants, birds and animals.
We know it's not the garden, because there are too many bugs!
But, we are so very thankful that God has given us such a place as this to sojourn.
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Background courtesy of The Background Boutique

This site set up: August 28, 2001 by Christi's Creations